Couple questions, anybody.


Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
Just to get to know you all a lil bit better...
How old are you and were do you live?
If you could ask for 3 wishes ONLY 3, what would they be? (Using one to ask for more wishes is not valid)

22 Costa Rica

Sep 21, 2004
28 and Southwest Florida


Spend one afternoon w/ my mother.
Health and happiness for my family and friends
Find the right women to commit to and have children with.

I can't sing ain't pretty and my legs are thin
Dec 5, 2004
Bite that nascar site I told ya about is at

You'll have to sign up for the forum to access the "pit road" section but it's worth the trip.
good luck

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
johnskelington said:
Bite that nascar site I told ya about is at

You'll have to sign up for the forum to access the "pit road" section but it's worth the trip.
good luck

Thank you buddy!! Will do...and this time i'mma kick ass :dancefool

Good luck with ur picks!!!

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
aceduecetrey said:
28 and Southwest Florida


Spend one afternoon w/ my mother.
Health and happiness for my family and friends
Find the right women to commit to and have children with.

Are you kiddin' me? You that sweet or just playin' with me??
What happened to your mom? :sad3:

Sep 21, 2004
biTe22Me said:
Are you kiddin' me? You that sweet or just playin' with me??
What happened to your mom? :sad3:

She passed away from matastesized breast cancer 2 years ago.

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
aceduecetrey said:
She passed away from matastesized breast cancer 2 years ago.

I´m sorry to hear that...
It´s sad how we don´t appreciate people we love when we have them close. I hope you spent some quality time with her and let her know how much she means to you.

Sep 21, 2004
biTe22Me said:
I´m sorry to hear that...
It´s sad how we don´t appreciate people we love when we have them close. I hope you spent some quality time with her and let her know how much she means to you.

For that I am greatfull. I was very close to her and we had many good times together.

Sep 20, 2004
36 Maryland

Sorry to hear that ACE...

My wish is to see my daughter live to be 100...the rest I can handle

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
im 31 and i live in the san diego area. my mom died from cervical cancer as did my grandmother. it was ugly deaths in both cases and im terrified it could happen to me. i see a doctor 3 times a year. the worst times for me is mothers day. my mom died 13 years ago and its never gotten easier.i miss her 3 wishes are to win at gambling and never lose. a room full of money.and a man in my life as driven and logical as myself whos as romantic as myself and is a masterfull lover. is that too much to wish for? is there somethings that even a genie in a bottle couldnt get you?
Last edited:

But we have many Anchovies! MANY!
Mar 2, 2005
1. an eidetic memory~ some places are so beautiful that u dont want to forget anything about them
2. that the Lakers were in the playoffs~ no matter what i will always be a Lakers Fan
3. one and two are good enough for right now.
Sep 21, 2004
roxygurl said:
im 31 and i live in the san diego area. my mom died from cervical cancer as did my grandmother. it was ugly deaths in both cases and im terrified it could happen to me. i see a doctor 3 times a year. the worst times for me is mothers day. my mom died 13 years ago and its never gotten easier.i miss her 3 wishes are to win at gambling and never lose. a room full of money.and a man in my life as driven and logical as myself whos as romantic as myself and is a masterfull lover. is that too much to wish for? is there somethings that even a genie in a bottle couldnt get you?
Roxy- I am sorry to hear that. Early detection is the only hope, so it is great that you are seeing a doctor 3 times a year. I have a ex girlfriend who i battling cervical cancer right now and she is only 24. Sucks, absolutly sucks! I am sure you know that they call cancer "the disease of the angels" and I can not think of many statements more true than that. Mothers Day is a terrible day, I agree and to make things worse for me is this year it falls on May 8th, my mothers birthday. If you ever need to talk about anything, you can get my email from your man Winky.

RELAX,im just having fun
Nov 7, 2004
aceduecetrey said:
Roxy- I am sorry to hear that. Early detection is the only hope, so it is great that you are seeing a doctor 3 times a year. I have a ex girlfriend who i battling cervical cancer right now and she is only 24. Sucks, absolutly sucks! I am sure you know that they call cancer "the disease of the angels" and I can not think of many statements more true than that. Mothers Day is a terrible day, I agree and to make things worse for me is this year it falls on May 8th, my mothers birthday. If you ever need to talk about anything, you can get my email from your man Winky.
thank you. my mom suffered horribly. her death came as a relief to the family. thru it all she never once asked "why me?".she said why not me and took her death with more courage than anyone ive ever seen. i doubt id be so cavalier facing my own death.i saw terri schiavo and thought of my mom dying in that hospice. tho she had(mom)hospice workers with her at home the night she died,and those people were incredible.but i knew it was going to happen and stayed up expecting the call. when i heard a knock at my door at 2am and found my brother standing there nothing needed to be said. ive not had a more stressfull night in my life. i cant go on about this now so im going to something else. go nats!

New member
Dec 10, 2004

i admire your wishes.

with all this sad talk about death anybody have ideas where we go after this?
Sep 21, 2004
Roxy- Sounds like a brave women, your mother. I agree, we need to move on from this subject.......Nats are looking better at the moment.

Hilo-Thanks, I use to be alot more materialistic, but have changed my ways in the past year. I have realized what is more important.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
41 and living in "The OC"

My 3 wishes

1.) I have a 7-ear-old nephew who I love every bit as much as if he were my son and I wish he could be cured of his Type I Diabetes. He was diagnosed with it at 18-months-old and has lived with it ever since. To see some of the things he had/has to go thru in life break my heart - and to know he will have this until the day he days hurts. If I could get THIS wish to come true I wouldn't even want 2 more - I'd be one of the happiest people alive - along with his parents and everyone of his relatives. NOTHING brings a smile to my face more than being with him and playing the SAME goofy and stupid games we have been playing for years now - but games we play because I know it brings a smile to his face a hearty laugh from him. Despite the fact I put him on my shoulders all the time and pick him up and all that stuff - the ONE THING he loves the most is when we "arm wrestle" - something I taught him to do. The funny thing is whenever we do a best "2 out of 3" contest he "somehow" always seems to win - which makes me "mad". One of the main reasons I am going to the bash in Vegas is to see my nephew - who lives near the Suncoast - and to spend time with him. On the Saturday of the bash I am treating him (and my sis and bro-in-law) to lunch at Chuck E Cheese because he LOVES that place and playing games and winning stuff. I figure lunch will cost me about $30-$40 (including tokens) but knowing how much he will enjoy it the cost could be triple and it would be well worth it. every day when my sis picks him up from school and takes him home - he always asks if he got any mail - for he LOVES getting mail because he rarely gets any. i know this so i make sure to send him a card every other week. the total cost of the card and postage is about $5 but once again - knowing how great it makes him feel to have my sis say he got some mail - is priceless and makes the $5 seem like the best $5 i spend every month - and it is.

2.) I majored in something else in College - Marketing - maybe

3.) September 1993 - the VERY FIRST Mighty Ducks game - and exhibition game vs. Pittsburgh and Mario. I worked on the gameday crew for the Ducks and thus could eat in the Press Room before the game. I finished dinner and started heading out to the elevator to go to the Press Box where I worked during the games (yeah - life sucks - I know). I take about 3 steps out of the room walking down the hall when, turning the corner, is simply put, the most beautiful woman i have ever seen up to that point (and keep in mind i used to work in the media and met actresses in their prime like Heather Locklear, Tawny Kitaen and many more). i felt as if every bone in my body had been removed for i turned to pure jello - yet somehow managed to stay on my feet. what i liked the most about her was that she was GND beautiful - which i feel is the best kind. the game ended around 10P and then I left - I couldn't get to sleep until about 4A because all i did was think about her. i saw her the next exhibition game and spoke to her some. i spoke to her maybe 10 more times before Xmas. for some reason i never had the guts/courage to ask her out. i could talk to her about anything and everything - just not asking her out. i FINALLY got the "courage" to do so during the Xmas break and decided to ask her out the next time i saw her. only problem was - i NEVER saw her again. turns out she was an intern and her internship ended at the end of the calendar year. i never got to see her again and ask her out. i just wish i hadn't been so chicken sh*t and asked her out. i'd love to have the chance to turn back the clock and see what might have happened had i asked her out. she very well would have said "NO" but i will never know. i know it sounds as if i haven't gotten over this - and that would be wrong. i have - and then some - but we all have one situation like this we wish we would have done differently - and this is mine

New member
Jan 18, 2005
winkyduck said:
41 and living in "The OC"

My 3 wishes

1.) I have a 7-ear-old nephew who I love every bit as much as if he were my son and I wish he could be cured of his Type I Diabetes. He was diagnosed with it at 18-months-old and has lived with it ever since. To see some of the things he had/has to go thru in life break my heart - and to know he will have this until the day he days hurts. If I could get THIS wish to come true I wouldn't even want 2 more - I'd be one of the happiest people alive - along with his parents and everyone of his relatives. NOTHING brings a smile to my face more than being with him and playing the SAME goofy and stupid games we have been playing for years now - but games we play because I know it brings a smile to his face a hearty laugh from him. Despite the fact I put him on my shoulders all the time and pick him up and all that stuff - the ONE THING he loves the most is when we "arm wrestle" - something I taught him to do. The funny thing is whenever we do a best "2 out of 3" contest he "somehow" always seems to win - which makes me "mad". One of the main reasons I am going to the bash in Vegas is to see my nephew - who lives near the Suncoast - and to spend time with him. On the Saturday of the bash I am treating him (and my sis and bro-in-law) to lunch at Chuck E Cheese because he LOVES that place and playing games and winning stuff. I figure lunch will cost me about $30-$40 (including tokens) but knowing how much he will enjoy it the cost could be triple and it would be well worth it. every day when my sis picks him up from school and takes him home - he always asks if he got any mail - for he LOVES getting mail because he rarely gets any. i know this so i make sure to send him a card every other week. the total cost of the card and postage is about $5 but once again - knowing how great it makes him feel to have my sis say he got some mail - is priceless and makes the $5 seem like the best $5 i spend every month - and it is.


What a wonderful story winky. I don't have anything else to say but damn, you're a good human being.

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